Pluto Retrograding in Capricorn Full Moon in Sagittarius

Today, June the 2nd of 2017, Pluto is still winding its way on its retrograde course at 18 Capricorn 59, where it will continue as it has been since the days between April 20th and 21st for some people through the 27th, where it was stationary for some days in 19'24 then 19;23 degrees, and then went retrograde at April  30th and May 1st at 00:00 UT.

Pluto will continue to retrograde Capricorn until well into September, verging on the beginning of October. This will happen over the course of September 29th through October 3rd, again at 00:00 UT.

June's Full Moon next Friday, June 9th will be in Sagittarius( from 12'53 to 24'15, between the 9th & 10th) and moonrise is 13:09 UT, which reminds us about the common bonds the individual has with the world, the shared human experience of ideas.

Pluto in Capricorn is certainly testing out those connections this week, as Trump announced to a crowd of reporters in the Rose Garden that he was pulling the US out of the Paris agreements for collectively combating climate change through a shared consensus that fossil fuels are unsustainable.

The American resistance, in the form of 3 state governors, as well as a score of city mayors, has pledged they will honor the Paris accords, with particular ire from the mayor of Pittsburgh for the former industrial giant's history being used by name by Trump during his speech.

Already, Elon Musk and the powers within the Disney corporation have pulled out of the business leader consortium that had been advising Trump.

Notably, Justin Trudeau made the distinction in phrasing by choosing to say 'the United States federal government' in his response to the news of Trump pulling America out of the deal.

Emmanuel Marcon was also not silent on this topic, giving a 3 minute reaction video speech clip in English. He also gave the world a catchphrase sure to be on many protest signs and eventually, I'm equally sure, overpriced shirts from Urban Outfitters:

"Make the planet great again"

Given the events in Manchester, Syrians, and Egypt, and elsewhere, this is a Full Moon that is sure to remind us that in Pluto dredging up all the secrets, lies, and nuclear waste that has been hidden, we must not lose out ideals.

We must not allow the morass of hate and treachery that swirls around the globe halt our evolution -- both the personal, soul evolution of the individual but the evolution of human society and the Earth itself.

Pluto in Capricorn is a long tilling of the earth to make way for the seeds that Pluto in Aquarius is preparing us for. New growth cannot flourish on tainted underpinnings: the fruit would be equally as tainted and developmentally arrested.

We must keep in sight our goals and objectives, we must reach out to form interconnections.

Full Moon in Sagittarius says to us that this is not a time to close ourselves off from the conversation, to keep trying the same old same thing. Sagittarius asks us to work together to make something altogether new and different, and to delight in doing so.

Full Moon in Sagittarius tells us: yes, friendship IS magic.

Are you willing to believe in it?


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